- 2019
- "Das verschwunden Land"/ Zeitz / Germany
- 2018
- "Wipe Festival" Jury / Berlin / Germany
- "Territoire Egare"/ FotoLimo Festival / Pyrenees / France
- 2017
- "Territoire Egare"/ mâs de la photo / Gernoble / France
- "O.t"/ collective exhibition with Ostkreuzschule/ Bethanien/ Berlin / Germany
- 2014
- "Fragment"/ Wicklefstrasse/ Berlin/ Germany
- work in progress/ video and music with Renaud Vincent/ Copenhagen/ Danemark
- Partition for a constructive site/ performance with Renaud Vincent und Vegetarian Killer/ Pisieu/ France
- "Archives de l'oubli"/ vernissage privé/ Marseille/ France
- 2013
- "So early to remember"/ café Morder/ Berlin/ Germany
- work in progress video/ music with Renaud Vincent/ Marseille/ France
- 2012
- picture slideshow from Sao tomé Teilnahmerei/ Berlin/ Germany
- 2010
- "Gold and Garbage"/ Rigaer Strasse/ Berlin/ Germany
- 2009
- "Récurrence d'une ville"/ Ofag/ Berlin/ Germany
- "Recyclage et Urbanité"/ résidence and exhibition/ Grenoble/ France
- 2008
- "Jeunes créations"/ Moulins de Villancourt/ Grenoble/ France
- 2007
- "We love l'Adaep"/ Eve/ Grenoble/ France
- Festival d'art contemporain/ Serres lezart/ Serres/ France
- 2006
- "Echange"/ Post office/ La Cote St Andre/ France
- "Strates"/ La Bobine/ Grenoble/ France
- 2005
- "Strates du quotidien"/ Gillonnay/ France
Argentine, Austria, Bolivie, Cape Verde, Chile, Danemark,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italia, La Réunion, Laos, Lebanon, Malawi,
Mozambique, Namibia, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Macedonia, Sao Tomé,
Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Syria, Szech Republic, Tanzania,
Thailande, Turquei, Vietnam, Zambia